The first selection of the participants will be made at national level in one or even more of the universities participating in the initiative. Those who are willing to participate will have to register via the internet on the UNINETTUNO website and will have to physically participate in the selection. The information about the universities where the first contest will take place will be available in the “news” section of the site. The contest will be based upon 20 questions on different items relating to the European Union and prepared by the Scientific Management Committee on the basis of the video-lessons that will be transmitted for a month on the internet and on the two satellite channels RAI NETTUNO SAT 1 and RAI NETTUNO SAT 2.

Each MEDA partner will have the freedom to set up its own rules for the national selection, according to the number of the participating universities and to any other national circumstances. Each national contest will be controlled by a committee which is going to verify that rules are followed. The committee will be nominated among the university professors of the university that is hosting the event. Each question will correspond to a certain score. The winners (up to a maximum of three for each country) will be those with the highest score. In case of equal scoring, the committee will select the best participants through a series of oral questions, by which they will select (unquestionably) the three students that are going to participate in the international contest.

In order to maximise the project visibility, the organisation of the national events will be made in close cooperation with the participating universities and, if possible, by means of local TV channels. Anyhow, the broadcasting and re-broadcasting of the contest will be guaranteed by UNINETTUNO, thanks to its two satellite channels.
UNINETTUNO s.r.l. - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - 00186 Roma - Phone : +39 0669207671 e-mail: