The Scientific Managing Committee is characterised by the presence of intellectuals of great prestige in the European and Euromediterranean political-institutional and academic world: Prof. Franco Cardini, Istituto Studi Umanistici, Florence (Italy) | Prof. Khaled Fouad Allam, University of Trieste (Italy) | Prof. El-Said El-Sherbini, University of Mansoura | Prof. Dr. Zakia Mamlouk, President of the Université El Manar II, Tunis (Tunisia) | On. PatriziaPaoletti Tangheroni, Chamber of Deputies, Rome (Italy) | Prof. Jean-FredericSchaub, Ecole Des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales EHESS, Paris (France) | Prof. Ssa LeaCampos Boralevi, Departement of Social Studies, University of Florence (Italy) | Prof. Alfredo Mordechai Rabello, University of Milan | Prof. Nicolas Vernicos, University of the Aegean | Prof. Adam Nyman, CEO, Eubriefing | Prof. Dusan Sidjanski, University of Geneva (Switzerland) | Prof. Rostane Mehdi, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Aix-Marseille III – College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) | Prof. Cosimo Risi, University of Salerno (Italy) | Prof. Sandro Gozi, College of Europe, Bruge (Belgium), Faculty of Political Sciences, Political Sciences, Paris (France) | Prof.ssa Maria Amata Garito, Rector of the International Telematic University, UNINETTUNO |
The Scientific Managing Committee’s task is to define and validate the Master’s structure and contents.