From almost 4 years, from first January of 2002, the Euro is the coin of 12 States members of the European union. 12 States, until now, because potentially the Euro will be the coin of the European union. There are some exceptions of countries that have asked and gotten a derogation and that will enter if they will want , when they will want, as Great Britain, and there are 10 new States of the European union, those of Center-oriental Europe, Malta and Cyprus, entered to belong to the European union in the May of 2004, that will enter in Euro with the time. This coin is a historical realization. It is the first time that a so great number of countries spontaneously decides to go out of their own national coin to embrace a common coin. In past when a country had a different coin from the proper one, usually was because it object of conquest from other countries. Euro is, we said, the Europeans' coin, or of an increasing number of Europeans, and it is also a coin that circulates in the world. More and more often the central banks of other countries, for example in conspicuous measure in China, decides to hold a part of their monetary reserves, not in dollars, but in Euro. The advantages on the practical plan of the existence of the Euro are evident, they are evident because it is easier to compare the prices of the good of a country and another country, because when we travel, there is not the boring duty of the to change the currency. Certainly in some countries as Italy has been observed that on the occasion of the introduction of the Euro the prices of many goods, services, restaurants et cetera, have grown. This is due to the fact that people have employed some time to conform themselves, and then, I have to say, with unbelievable and strange superficiality, many have reasoned as if the Euro value was like1.000 liras, while the Euro value is almost 2.000 liras, 1.936. However must be underlined that today, after 4 years from the entry of the Euro, certain, can be this unpleasant growing of the prices, but Italy has a rate of inflation, therefore a rhythm of increase of the prices in the time, very lower than that that would have had if the lira had survived. Because the lira was a coin to which we are nostalgically tied, but it was the fruit of a system of Italian economic politics that, during the decades, had produced a lot of inflation, a lot of growth of the prices, more than the other countries. Then the fact that now Italy is in the Euro, makes part of a monetary politics managed from the European Central Bank, it is one of the factors that contribute to hold very low the Italian inflation. The existence of the Euro also has another implication: a rate of change doesn't exist anymore among the lira, the mark, frank French. Exists only An Italian coin that is the Euro. In the past when Italy lost competitiveness in comparison to the other countries, it sometimes applied the harmful remedy of a devaluation of the lira, that gave back breath, temporarily, to the Italian enterprises making again their competitive products. I have spoken of harmful remedy because this was an ephemeral medicine, because it gave relief for a few times, however after the devaluation, they regularly came high inflation that you/they made again, soon, few competitive the Italian economy. In a climate in which the Euro exists, this easy, ephemeral and harmful valve of outlet is not allowed anymore, which means that the economy must have managed in more serious way, more reliable, and increases of competitiveness will be real if the country wants to be competitive. Then the coin is changed, but above all is changed, becoming more orderly and civil, the system of rules for the operation of the economy.