The coordination of the economic politics
The birth of the economic and monetary union and the Euro has involved some great novelties for Europe, for the Europeans, but also for the world, and for the way according to which the attempt happens to coordinate the economic politics at international level. In fact the economic and monetary union has a series of rules and internal aspects to Europe - we know the discipline of the public budgets, the Treaty of Maastricht, the 3% of limit to the deficit, the pact of stability and growth, that is an additional accord among States to practice in concrete the discipline of Maastricht -. Therefore this is the skeleton of Europe, of the economic and monetary union, to protect the stability of the Euro. But from when the Euro was born, Europe has also changed face in its way of presenting itself to the world, not only because its monetary product, the Euro, is used more and more out of Europe. I was some days ago to Moscow, where obviously roubles are used for making purchases, but there are also acceptance of dollars and of Euro. The Chinese central Bank puts an increasing part of its monetary reserves, that are strongly increasing, gives the gigantic dimension of its exports in European. But there is also the fact that Europe now introduces in a more unitary way to the meetings where the coordination of the economic politics to international level happens. Particularly, in the field of the monetary discussions, while once Europe was characterized by "monetary babel", with the German central Bank, that French, that Italian, that English, today, not for the whole European union, but for a great part of it, the president of the European Central Bank represent Europe. We speak of a "G3", from the monetary point of view, of a "3 group", with the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. Always will also weigh more, for example, the Chinese monetary authorities. This is one of the aspects in which, historically, when the European union ago a footstep ahead toward the unity, as in the monetary field now, also succeeds in being more present, more assertive, more respected, more listened and more incisive, also in the interest of Europe, on the international plan. There are only there three fields in which the European union decides in unitary way and talks out to an alone voice to level of interlocutors of the European union. These three fields are: two classical, since the 1957 Rome Treaty, on the politics of the foreign commerce, that is the great commercial accords, inside for example the World organization of the Commerce; the other one is the politics of the competition, or "Antitrust", managed by the European Commission, not from single States members; the third one, is born only a few years ago, and it's the field of the coin, therefore of the European Central Bank. We know that one year ago had been approved from the Governments a new constitutional Treaty, that has not entered for now in vigor, because France and Holland have rejected the ratification: this constitutional Treaty would have extended in some measure the novelty of Europe that also talks with an unique voice to the crucial field of the foreign politics. The constitution delays unfortunately the moment in which, also in this field, the European union can speak, as in those economic matter, with an alone voice.
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