The capital of Belgium is Bruxelles, its area extends for 30 500 kmqs, the population it is equal to 10.350.000 and the PIL it is of 265,8 million of Euro. Its unemployment rate is of the 8,3% the inflation 1,4%. The deficit is +0,1%, with a budget in leftover. And the national debt is equal to 95,6%. Under the constitutional profile Belgium is a Monarchy, organized in federal form. The country is separated in three autonomous regions: the Flanders, the Vallonia and capital Bruxelles, with three cultural communities and linguistics also them separate: the Flemish community, the community vallone where it speaks French and the community germanofona. Every region has a proper parliament and own executive organs. The process of transformation of Belgium in real federal state began in the seventies and is continued actually with the constitutional reforms of the 93/94. Currently the territorial organization of the State is organized on five levels of government: the national, the regional, the community, the provincial, the town. The form of Government is type monarchic-parliamentary. Executive power is collegially practiced by the King and by the Government, that witnesses responsible the house of representatives. The actual head of the state is the king Albert II of climbed Saxe-Coburg, climbet to the throne the 9 August of 1993. The Prime Minister is Guy Verhofstadt of the party of the democrats and Flemish liberals, reigning from July 12 th 1999 and confirmed in the political elections of May 2003. The national Parliament is composed from two Chambers: the Chamber of the representatives and the Senate. The Chamber of representatives is composed from 150 deputies chosen on the base of a proportional voting system. The senate is composed instead from 71 members of which 40 chosens directly, 21 designated by the suggestions of the communities and 10 chosen by the elective senators and by those community. The picture of the political formations currently includes 11 parties. The most important are the Flemish liberal-democrats, the Flemish democrat-Christian party, the Flemish socialist party and the vallone, the Vlaams Blok, a Flemish formation of extreme right, the vallone reforming movement and the National front, that it is a formation of extreme right. The last political elections developed May 18 th 2003 have seen the progression of the liberal and socialist parties, a bending of the formations ecologists and green, and an advance of the formations of the radical right. The vallone socialist party in these elections has became the first political formation of the country has confirmed its position of first francophone and vallone party. Belgium is one of the six countries founders of the European union, and it is characterized for its full share to the process of European integration which has always furnished a meaningful contribution with tense politics to the strengthening of the institutions and the consolidation of the social dimension. After the widening of the union, 24 seats are assigned to Belgium in the European Parliament, against the 25 assigned in precedence. Among these, 14 are destined to be chosen in the Flemish, fiandre and Bruxelles constituency, 9 to those of the francophone college, region vallone and Bruxelles and one in the germanophone college. The last elections for the renovation of the European Parliament are held June 13 th 2004. On the contrary with the European trend the flow to the urns has been very elevated, around 90%, the tallest in Europe. Of the 24 seats 4 have gone to the Christian - social, that have joined to the popular parliamentary group, the francophone socialists with 13, 5 have 4 seats and have joined to the European socialist party; the Vlaams Blok has gotten 3 seats that have placed in the mixed parliamentary group with the 14,3% of the votes. Inside the European Committee, presided by the Portuguese Barroso, the member of Belgian turn is the liberal Louis Michel, commission